Maeve G HarneyinInvisible IllnessI’m Not a Snowflake, It’s Just My ADHDThis little-known symptom of ADHD can often leave a person feeling like an exposed nerve-ending after social interactions.Oct 28, 20217Oct 28, 20217
Maeve G HarneyinInvisible IllnessLet’s Talk About an Under-diagnosed Symptom of ADHD: Hyper-focusingNo ADHD diagnosis is the same, but sometimes the symptoms are opposite to what you’d imagine, particularly in womenJan 19, 20217Jan 19, 20217
Maeve G HarneyTaking the Leap into Medium WritingLike many, change can scare me. But working in the communications industry, it is something I need to embrace if I am to keep up with the…Jan 15, 2021Jan 15, 2021